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Financial Dashboard

Quickly and easily have your pulse on the financial health straight from QuickBooks or Xero.
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Financial Modeling

Use financial modeling to manage, plan, and predict all the changes in your business in minutes, not days in a spreadsheet.
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Headcount Planner

Plan and optimize your workforce effortlessly, ensuring you have the right team in place to meet your business goals.
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Cash Flow Forecasting

The only year long view of your cash flow that looks at your business as a whole, broken down by week.
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M20.0306 6.21938L16.2806 2.46938C16.2109 2.39975 16.1282 2.34454 16.0371 2.3069C15.9461 2.26926 15.8485 2.24992 15.75 2.25H8.25C7.85218 2.25 7.47064 2.40804 7.18934 2.68934C6.90804 2.97064 6.75 3.35218 6.75 3.75V5.25H5.25C4.85218 5.25 4.47064 5.40804 4.18934 5.68934C3.90804 5.97064 3.75 6.35218 3.75 6.75V20.25C3.75 20.6478 3.90804 21.0294 4.18934 21.3107C4.47064 21.592 4.85218 21.75 5.25 21.75H15.75C16.1478 21.75 16.5294 21.592 16.8107 21.3107C17.092 21.0294 17.25 20.6478 17.25 20.25V18.75H18.75C19.1478 18.75 19.5294 18.592 19.8107 18.3107C20.092 18.0294 20.25 17.6478 20.25 17.25V6.75C20.2501 6.65148 20.2307 6.55391 20.1931 6.46286C20.1555 6.37182 20.1003 6.28908 20.0306 6.21938ZM15.75 20.25H5.25V6.75H12.4397L15.75 10.0603V17.985C15.75 17.9906 15.75 17.9953 15.75 18C15.75 18.0047 15.75 18.0094 15.75 18.015V20.25ZM18.75 17.25H17.25V9.75C17.2501 9.65148 17.2307 9.55391 17.1931 9.46286C17.1555 9.37182 17.1003 9.28908 17.0306 9.21937L13.2806 5.46938C13.2109 5.39975 13.1282 5.34454 13.0371 5.3069C12.9461 5.26926 12.8485 5.24992 12.75 5.25H8.25V3.75H15.4397L18.75 7.06031V17.25ZM13.5 14.25C13.5 14.4489 13.421 14.6397 13.2803 14.7803C13.1397 14.921 12.9489 15 12.75 15H8.25C8.05109 15 7.86032 14.921 7.71967 14.7803C7.57902 14.6397 7.5 14.4489 7.5 14.25C7.5 14.0511 7.57902 13.8603 7.71967 13.7197C7.86032 13.579 8.05109 13.5 8.25 13.5H12.75C12.9489 13.5 13.1397 13.579 13.2803 13.7197C13.421 13.8603 13.5 14.0511 13.5 14.25ZM13.5 17.25C13.5 17.4489 13.421 17.6397 13.2803 17.7803C13.1397 17.921 12.9489 18 12.75 18H8.25C8.05109 18 7.86032 17.921 7.71967 17.7803C7.57902 17.6397 7.5 17.4489 7.5 17.25C7.5 17.0511 7.57902 16.8603 7.71967 16.7197C7.86032 16.579 8.05109 16.5 8.25 16.5H12.75C12.9489 16.5 13.1397 16.579 13.2803 16.7197C13.421 16.8603 13.5 17.0511 13.5 17.25Z" fill="#5C2AB7"/> </svg>

Balance Sheet Forecasting

Gain insights into your future financial position with comprehensive balance sheet forecasting.
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M21.75 19.5C21.75 19.6989 21.671 19.8897 21.5303 20.0303C21.3897 20.171 21.1989 20.25 21 20.25H3C2.80109 20.25 2.61032 20.171 2.46967 20.0303C2.32902 19.8897 2.25 19.6989 2.25 19.5V4.5C2.25 4.30109 2.32902 4.11032 2.46967 3.96967C2.61032 3.82902 2.80109 3.75 3 3.75C3.19891 3.75 3.38968 3.82902 3.53033 3.96967C3.67098 4.11032 3.75 4.30109 3.75 4.5V13.3472L8.50594 9.1875C8.63536 9.07421 8.79978 9.00885 8.97165 9.00236C9.14353 8.99587 9.31241 9.04866 9.45 9.15188L14.9634 13.2872L20.5059 8.4375C20.5786 8.36556 20.6652 8.30925 20.7605 8.27201C20.8557 8.23478 20.9575 8.21741 21.0597 8.22097C21.1619 8.22454 21.2623 8.24896 21.3547 8.29275C21.4471 8.33653 21.5296 8.39875 21.5971 8.47558C21.6646 8.5524 21.7156 8.64222 21.7471 8.7395C21.7786 8.83678 21.7899 8.93948 21.7802 9.04128C21.7706 9.14307 21.7402 9.24182 21.691 9.33146C21.6418 9.42109 21.5748 9.49972 21.4941 9.5625L15.4941 14.8125C15.3646 14.9258 15.2002 14.9912 15.0283 14.9976C14.8565 15.0041 14.6876 14.9513 14.55 14.8481L9.03656 10.7147L3.75 15.3403V18.75H21C21.1989 18.75 21.3897 18.829 21.5303 18.9697C21.671 19.1103 21.75 19.3011 21.75 19.5Z" fill="#5C2AB7"/> </svg>

Custom Metrics

Focus on analyzing your most important financial and non-financial metrics, not calculating them.
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M21.5306 5.46938L18.5306 2.46939C18.461 2.39965 18.3783 2.34433 18.2872 2.30659C18.1962 2.26885 18.0986 2.24942 18 2.24942C17.9014 2.24942 17.8038 2.26885 17.7128 2.30659C17.6217 2.34433 17.539 2.39965 17.4694 2.46939L8.46937 11.4694C8.39975 11.5391 8.34454 11.6218 8.3069 11.7129C8.26926 11.8039 8.24992 11.9015 8.25 12V15C8.25 15.1989 8.32902 15.3897 8.46967 15.5303C8.61032 15.671 8.80109 15.75 9 15.75H12C12.0985 15.7501 12.1961 15.7308 12.2871 15.6931C12.3782 15.6555 12.4609 15.6003 12.5306 15.5306L21.5306 6.53064C21.6004 6.46098 21.6557 6.37826 21.6934 6.28722C21.7312 6.19617 21.7506 6.09857 21.7506 6.00001C21.7506 5.90145 21.7312 5.80385 21.6934 5.71281C21.6557 5.62176 21.6004 5.53904 21.5306 5.46938ZM11.6897 14.25H9.75V12.3103L15.75 6.31032L17.6897 8.25001L11.6897 14.25ZM18.75 7.1897L16.8103 5.25001L18 4.06032L19.9397 6.00001L18.75 7.1897ZM21 12V19.5C21 19.8978 20.842 20.2794 20.5607 20.5607C20.2794 20.842 19.8978 21 19.5 21H4.5C4.10218 21 3.72064 20.842 3.43934 20.5607C3.15804 20.2794 3 19.8978 3 19.5V4.50001C3 4.10219 3.15804 3.72065 3.43934 3.43935C3.72064 3.15805 4.10218 3.00001 4.5 3.00001H12C12.1989 3.00001 12.3897 3.07903 12.5303 3.21968C12.671 3.36033 12.75 3.5511 12.75 3.75001C12.75 3.94892 12.671 4.13969 12.5303 4.28034C12.3897 4.42099 12.1989 4.50001 12 4.50001H4.5V19.5H19.5V12C19.5 11.8011 19.579 11.6103 19.7197 11.4697C19.8603 11.329 20.0511 11.25 20.25 11.25C20.4489 11.25 20.6397 11.329 20.7803 11.4697C20.921 11.6103 21 11.8011 21 12Z" fill="#5C2AB7"/> </svg>

Scenario Planning

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