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Financial Dashboard

Quickly and easily have your pulse on the financial health straight from QuickBooks or Xero.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M4.78706 19.6636H9.29506C9.77325 19.6636 10.2319 19.4736 10.5702 19.1355C10.9083 18.7973 11.0983 18.3386 11.0983 17.8604V2.53324C11.0983 2.05499 10.9083 1.59635 10.5702 1.25819C10.2319 0.920016 9.77325 0.730042 9.29506 0.730042H4.78706C4.30883 0.730042 3.85018 0.920016 3.51201 1.25819C3.17384 1.59635 2.98386 2.05499 2.98386 2.53324V17.8604C2.98386 18.3386 3.17384 18.7973 3.51201 19.1355C3.85018 19.4736 4.30883 19.6636 4.78706 19.6636ZM4.78706 2.53324H9.29506V17.8604H4.78706V2.53324ZM22.8191 22.3684C22.8191 22.6076 22.7241 22.8369 22.555 23.006C22.386 23.175 22.1566 23.27 21.9175 23.27H2.08226C1.84314 23.27 1.61382 23.175 1.44473 23.006C1.27566 22.8369 1.18066 22.6076 1.18066 22.3684C1.18066 22.1293 1.27566 21.9 1.44473 21.7309C1.61382 21.5619 1.84314 21.4668 2.08226 21.4668H21.9175C22.1566 21.4668 22.386 21.5619 22.555 21.7309C22.7241 21.9 22.8191 22.1293 22.8191 22.3684ZM14.7047 19.6636H19.2127C19.6908 19.6636 20.1495 19.4736 20.4878 19.1355C20.8259 18.7973 21.0159 18.3386 21.0159 17.8604V7.04124C21.0159 6.563 20.8259 6.10436 20.4878 5.76619C20.1495 5.42802 19.6908 5.23804 19.2127 5.23804H14.7047C14.2265 5.23804 13.7678 5.42802 13.4296 5.76619C13.0915 6.10435 12.9015 6.56299 12.9015 7.04124V17.8604C12.9015 18.3386 13.0915 18.7973 13.4296 19.1355C13.7678 19.4736 14.2265 19.6636 14.7047 19.6636ZM14.7047 7.04124H19.2127V17.8604H14.7047V7.04124Z" fill="#5C2AB7"/> </svg>

Financial Modeling

Use financial modeling to manage, plan, and predict all the changes in your business in minutes, not days in a spreadsheet.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M23.9998 12.75C23.9998 12.9489 23.9207 13.1397 23.7801 13.2804C23.6394 13.421 23.4487 13.5 23.2498 13.5H21.7498V15C21.7498 15.1989 21.6707 15.3897 21.5301 15.5304C21.3894 15.671 21.1987 15.75 20.9998 15.75C20.8008 15.75 20.6101 15.671 20.4694 15.5304C20.3288 15.3897 20.2498 15.1989 20.2498 15V13.5H18.7498C18.5508 13.5 18.3601 13.421 18.2194 13.2804C18.0788 13.1397 17.9998 12.9489 17.9998 12.75C17.9998 12.5511 18.0788 12.3603 18.2194 12.2197C18.3601 12.079 18.5508 12 18.7498 12H20.2498V10.5C20.2498 10.3011 20.3288 10.1103 20.4694 9.9697C20.6101 9.82904 20.8008 9.75003 20.9998 9.75003C21.1987 9.75003 21.3894 9.82904 21.5301 9.9697C21.6707 10.1103 21.7498 10.3011 21.7498 10.5V12H23.2498C23.4487 12 23.6394 12.079 23.7801 12.2197C23.9207 12.3603 23.9998 12.5511 23.9998 12.75ZM18.5744 18.2672C18.7025 18.4196 18.7647 18.6167 18.7475 18.815C18.7303 19.0133 18.635 19.1967 18.4826 19.3247C18.3302 19.4528 18.1331 19.515 17.9348 19.4978C17.7365 19.4806 17.5531 19.3853 17.4251 19.2328C15.5388 16.9866 12.9457 15.75 10.1248 15.75C7.30382 15.75 4.71069 16.9866 2.82444 19.2328C2.69639 19.3851 2.51309 19.4803 2.31486 19.4975C2.11663 19.5146 1.9197 19.4523 1.76741 19.3242C1.61512 19.1962 1.51993 19.0129 1.50279 18.8147C1.48565 18.6164 1.54796 18.4195 1.67601 18.2672C3.07663 16.6003 4.81851 15.4163 6.75444 14.7825C5.57873 14.0503 4.67349 12.955 4.17569 11.6624C3.67789 10.3698 3.61461 8.95031 3.99543 7.61858C4.37624 6.28684 5.18043 5.11537 6.28632 4.28138C7.39222 3.44739 8.73964 2.99628 10.1248 2.99628C11.5099 2.99628 12.8573 3.44739 13.9632 4.28138C15.0691 5.11537 15.8733 6.28684 16.2541 7.61858C16.6349 8.95031 16.5716 10.3698 16.0738 11.6624C15.576 12.955 14.6708 14.0503 13.4951 14.7825C15.431 15.4163 17.1729 16.6003 18.5744 18.2672ZM10.1248 14.25C11.0889 14.25 12.0315 13.9641 12.8332 13.4284C13.6348 12.8928 14.2597 12.1314 14.6287 11.2406C14.9976 10.3498 15.0942 9.36962 14.9061 8.42396C14.718 7.4783 14.2537 6.60966 13.5719 5.92788C12.8901 5.2461 12.0215 4.7818 11.0758 4.5937C10.1302 4.40559 9.14996 4.50214 8.25917 4.87111C7.36839 5.24009 6.60701 5.86493 6.07134 6.66662C5.53567 7.46831 5.24976 8.41084 5.24976 9.37503C5.25124 10.6675 5.76534 11.9066 6.67925 12.8205C7.59317 13.7344 8.83228 14.2485 10.1248 14.25Z" fill="#5C2AB7"/> </svg>

Headcount Planner

Plan and optimize your workforce effortlessly, ensuring you have the right team in place to meet your business goals.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M2.625 12C2.42609 12 2.23532 11.921 2.09467 11.7803C1.95402 11.6397 1.875 11.4489 1.875 11.25C1.875 11.0511 1.95402 10.8603 2.09467 10.7197C2.23532 10.579 2.42609 10.5 2.625 10.5H5.25C5.44891 10.5 5.63968 10.421 5.78033 10.2803C5.92098 10.1397 6 9.94891 6 9.75C6 9.55109 5.92098 9.36032 5.78033 9.21967C5.63968 9.07902 5.44891 9 5.25 9H3.75C3.15326 9 2.58097 8.76295 2.15901 8.34099C1.73705 7.91903 1.5 7.34674 1.5 6.75C1.5 6.15326 1.73705 5.58097 2.15901 5.15901C2.58097 4.73705 3.15326 4.5 3.75 4.5C3.75 4.30109 3.82902 4.11032 3.96967 3.96967C4.11032 3.82902 4.30109 3.75 4.5 3.75C4.69891 3.75 4.88968 3.82902 5.03033 3.96967C5.17098 4.11032 5.25 4.30109 5.25 4.5H6C6.19891 4.5 6.38968 4.57902 6.53033 4.71967C6.67098 4.86032 6.75 5.05109 6.75 5.25C6.75 5.44891 6.67098 5.63968 6.53033 5.78033C6.38968 5.92098 6.19891 6 6 6H3.75C3.55109 6 3.36032 6.07902 3.21967 6.21967C3.07902 6.36032 3 6.55109 3 6.75C3 6.94891 3.07902 7.13968 3.21967 7.28033C3.36032 7.42098 3.55109 7.5 3.75 7.5H5.25C5.84674 7.5 6.41903 7.73705 6.84099 8.15901C7.26295 8.58097 7.5 9.15326 7.5 9.75C7.5 10.3467 7.26295 10.919 6.84099 11.341C6.41903 11.7629 5.84674 12 5.25 12C5.25 12.1989 5.17098 12.3897 5.03033 12.5303C4.88968 12.671 4.69891 12.75 4.5 12.75C4.30109 12.75 4.11032 12.671 3.96967 12.5303C3.82902 12.3897 3.75 12.1989 3.75 12H2.625ZM21.75 5.25V18C21.75 18.3978 21.592 18.7794 21.3107 19.0607C21.0294 19.342 20.6478 19.5 20.25 19.5H3.75C3.35218 19.5 2.97064 19.342 2.68934 19.0607C2.40804 18.7794 2.25 18.3978 2.25 18V14.25C2.25 14.0511 2.32902 13.8603 2.46967 13.7197C2.61032 13.579 2.80109 13.5 3 13.5C3.19891 13.5 3.38968 13.579 3.53033 13.7197C3.67098 13.8603 3.75 14.0511 3.75 14.25V18H15V15H7.5C7.30109 15 7.11032 14.921 6.96967 14.7803C6.82902 14.6397 6.75 14.4489 6.75 14.25C6.75 14.0511 6.82902 13.8603 6.96967 13.7197C7.11032 13.579 7.30109 13.5 7.5 13.5H15V10.5H9.75C9.55109 10.5 9.36032 10.421 9.21967 10.2803C9.07902 10.1397 9 9.94891 9 9.75C9 9.55109 9.07902 9.36032 9.21967 9.21967C9.36032 9.07902 9.55109 9 9.75 9H20.25V6H9C8.80109 6 8.61032 5.92098 8.46967 5.78033C8.32902 5.63968 8.25 5.44891 8.25 5.25C8.25 5.05109 8.32902 4.86032 8.46967 4.71967C8.61032 4.57902 8.80109 4.5 9 4.5H21C21.1989 4.5 21.3897 4.57902 21.5303 4.71967C21.671 4.86032 21.75 5.05109 21.75 5.25ZM16.5 13.5H20.25V10.5H16.5V13.5ZM20.25 18V15H16.5V18H20.25Z" fill="#5C2AB7"/> </svg>

Cash Flow Forecasting

The only year long view of your cash flow that looks at your business as a whole, broken down by week.

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Balance Sheet Forecasting

Gain insights into your future financial position with comprehensive balance sheet forecasting.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none"> <path d="M21.75 19.5C21.75 19.6989 21.671 19.8897 21.5303 20.0303C21.3897 20.171 21.1989 20.25 21 20.25H3C2.80109 20.25 2.61032 20.171 2.46967 20.0303C2.32902 19.8897 2.25 19.6989 2.25 19.5V4.5C2.25 4.30109 2.32902 4.11032 2.46967 3.96967C2.61032 3.82902 2.80109 3.75 3 3.75C3.19891 3.75 3.38968 3.82902 3.53033 3.96967C3.67098 4.11032 3.75 4.30109 3.75 4.5V13.3472L8.50594 9.1875C8.63536 9.07421 8.79978 9.00885 8.97165 9.00236C9.14353 8.99587 9.31241 9.04866 9.45 9.15188L14.9634 13.2872L20.5059 8.4375C20.5786 8.36556 20.6652 8.30925 20.7605 8.27201C20.8557 8.23478 20.9575 8.21741 21.0597 8.22097C21.1619 8.22454 21.2623 8.24896 21.3547 8.29275C21.4471 8.33653 21.5296 8.39875 21.5971 8.47558C21.6646 8.5524 21.7156 8.64222 21.7471 8.7395C21.7786 8.83678 21.7899 8.93948 21.7802 9.04128C21.7706 9.14307 21.7402 9.24182 21.691 9.33146C21.6418 9.42109 21.5748 9.49972 21.4941 9.5625L15.4941 14.8125C15.3646 14.9258 15.2002 14.9912 15.0283 14.9976C14.8565 15.0041 14.6876 14.9513 14.55 14.8481L9.03656 10.7147L3.75 15.3403V18.75H21C21.1989 18.75 21.3897 18.829 21.5303 18.9697C21.671 19.1103 21.75 19.3011 21.75 19.5Z" fill="#5C2AB7"/> </svg>

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